Support Umbrella
Our community is devoted to trying to live all of life Coram Deo. Everything we do aims to bring Jesus to the center and remove the false division between a secular and sacred life. Within that more organic vision of discipleship we know in some seasons people will be called by God to pioneer and pastor specific communities or missional initiatives. In our efforts to steward a movement of these smaller communities, we have created a Support Raising Umbrella for bi-vocational leaders who have been trained and commissioned. Would you prayerfully consider supporting their efforts?
Dave Swenson
Raising Support for: Dave’s mission is to support individuals and the church at large in cultivating theological depth and health. Locally, Dave brings leadership to Coram Deo Co-op. This involves internal support for our teams and member communities. As well as Coram’s citywide partnerships with other churches and ministries in the city. Globally, Dave is part of the 24-7 Prayer Communities Oversight Team, where he offers coaching, training, and pastoral support to leaders and missionaries within our 100+ global communities.
Funding Goal: $3600/monthly
Matt & Tonia Hulst
Raising Support for: Living bi-vocationally as urban missionaries. Their mission is to bring Good News of the Kingdom to those who may feel or exist beyond the traditional walls of the church. Matt and TOnia both serve as core leaders for Coram Deo Co-op. They open their home and serve in various ministry contexts to cultivate love, train, and disciple others to do likewise. They strive to live as a “family on mission” with the aim of seeing little pockets of disciples multiply throughout Denver.
Funding Goal: $3000/monthly